The Present has landed!

So, those who know me in RL and on FB know about “the present”.  I have been making my sister a birthday present for forever because a) I suck at time keeping and b) I lost the bastard magnetic bag doey uppy clippy thingy {gestures clapping hands together} – that is totally the correct term for it because the woman in the shop knew what I meant and agreed with me that it was totally the correct term.


What to make for a Bon Jovi fan that will actually be useful instead of just sort of sit on display…?  A bag!

There was post sent to her with scraps of fabric… close up shots on her wall… various hints… mainly inspired by this picturesherlock_holmes_finds_a_clue

Me being me, the bag is a wing it job.  Uh, “self drafted”.  That is apparently the term I am meant to use.

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I actually did proper calculations and drew stuff out to make it… go me.

I then found the Smirk on Google Images and made it the right size on my screen, and then did the very technical tracing from my monitor onto pattern paper.


The embroidery was by far the most “wing it” part.  I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, so I went with lots of very close zig zag stitch over the top of the traced image and hoped for the best.  Next time I need to remember to use tissue paper… not pattern paper… one will wash out fairly easily, the other needs picking at for hours with tweezers.

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The completed Smirk!

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Then it was just a case of putting the rest of the bag together (now that I had the magnetic bag doey uppy clippy thingy {gestures clapping hands together}), and getting it posted to arrive before Saturday.


I managed it!!!


Have a nice day!

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